Chatroom User Interface Introduction
Chatroom and metadata (left side panel)
User (Agent) Assignment
Chats (middle panel)
Inbound Messages (from customers)
System messages (dark blue colour, customer will not see the messages. )
Outbound Messages (from users/agents)
Function Menu (right side panel)
Customer (you can add/remove labels here)
Note (internal note) -Payment History / Create
Payment (This function only enables when payment and product setting are completed)
FAQ (Auto-fill the pre-set message)
Schedule Message (schedule to send out a WhatsApp Message)
Calendar (mark the timeslot for booking)
Booking (list view of all bookings of the customer)
Booking Invitation (This is supported by the calendar, an invitation link will be generated and sent out, customer can select which timeslot of his/her booking)
Message template
Video Call (P2P network call)
Supported File Types
WhatsApp supports sending and receiving the following media formats:
Audio: MP3, OGG**, AMR, 3GP, AAC, MPEG
Video: MP4 (with H.264 video codec and AAC audio), HEIC
*The image/webp MIME type is only used for WhatsApp stickers, which have additional requirements. See the section "WhatsApp Stickers" below for more details.
**WhatsApp outbound OGG is only supported when the ogg file uses the Opus audio codec. These files may have the .ogg or the .opus extension.
The following size restrictions apply to WhatsApp media messages:
Audio, Video and Document media messages up to 16 MB.
Stickers up to 100KB.
Images up to 5MB.
Message Limitations
WhatsApp API
Conversations are message threads between you and your customers. Conversations can last up to 24-hours and must be initiated by you (business-initiated) or your customers (user-initiated). Customers can initiate a conversation by sending you any type of message, but you can only initiate a conversation with a template message. Once the conversation has begun, you can then send any type of message to the customer.
User-Initiated Conversations
A user-initiated conversation is a message thread started by a customer who sends any type of message to a business. No prior opt-in is required. When the business responds to the customer it begins a 24-hour user-initiated conversation window. All messages sent back and forth between the customer and the business within this window are associated with the conversation.
Business-Initiated Conversations
A business-initiated conversation is a message thread started by a business that sends an approved template message to a customer. Prior opt-in is required. When the business sends the template message it begins a 24-hour business-initiated conversation window. All messages sent back and forth between the customer and the business within this window are associated with the conversation.
Once the customer replies to the business's template message, the business can begin sending any type of message to the customer.
Customer Service Window
When a customer messages you, a 24-hour timer called a customer service window starts. As long as it has been less than 24 hours since they last messaged you, you can respond with free form messages. If it has been more than 24 hours since they last messaged you, you are outside the customer service window and must use a message template.
The customer service window overlaps with the conversation window for pricing in two ways:
If no active conversation exists between you and the customer when they send you a message, you can reply with a free form message and a user-initiated conversation will be opened.
If an active conversation exists between you and the customer when they send you a message, you can respond to the customer with a free form message and no additional conversation charges will be incurred.
If the customer Service Window is closed, the chatroom will switch to send template message automatically.
Facebook Messenger
Customer Service Window
Businesses will have up to 24 hours to respond to a user. Messages sent within the 24 hour window may contain promotional content.
7 days from User-Initiated Conversations and no template message concept.
Tips: You can send reminder message within 7 days from user's last message, by schedule message function.
Instagram, WeChat
Customer Service Window
24 hours from User-Initiated Conversations and no template message concept.
* message template concept only apply to WhatsApp API channel.
Chatbot handling
If a bot is running on the chatroom due to the message hitting the trigger condition. A notification bar will be displayed on the top of the chat area. By clicking “Exit Bot” if you need to interrupt the bot’s message responds.
If a WhatsApp media message was not delivered, there are a few likely explanations:
The media message was not sent during an active session with the user (see Rules and Limitations above).
iSlash encountered an error when trying to get your media.
Your message, including media, is larger than the limit for that file type.
The content-type headers of your media attachment do not match the file extension (for example, content-type is image/jpg but the file extension is .png).
If you included a message body with your WhatsApp media message and only the media was delivered to the user, please note that this is expected when sending an audio, contact, or location message. To deliver a text message as well as one of these media types, please send two separate messages.
Customer's WhatsApp version is not updated
Customers do NOT Accept the latest WhatsApp T&C
Customer’s phone number is not bind to any WhatsApp, you may verify this by the link
Other Related Content:
Business Initiated Messages Charges by Meta - WhatsApp Conversation Based Pricing
iSlash Appointment Booking System - Calendar and Calendar Plus